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Amagqwetha Acela Inkantolo Ukuthi Imise Uhlelo Lukahulumende Lokubuthanisa Uzulu Phezu Kokuguqulwa Kwesisekelo Sombuso

Lawyers of the Law Society of Zimbabwe bar association take part in a "March for Justice" toward the Constitutional Court in Harare on Jan. 29, 2019, to call for restoration of the rule of law, respect of human rights as well as the country's Constitution
Lawyers of the Law Society of Zimbabwe bar association take part in a "March for Justice" toward the Constitutional Court in Harare on Jan. 29, 2019, to call for restoration of the rule of law, respect of human rights as well as the country's Constitution

Inhlanganiso yamagqwetha alwela amalungelo eyeZimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights icele umthethwandaba weHigh Court ngoLwesithathu ukuthi uvimbe uhlelo lukahulumende lokubuthanisa uzulu ngenjongo yokuzwa imibono yakhe phezu kokuguqulwa kwesisekelo sombuso welizwe okuzanywa libandla leZanu PF.

Emaphepheni ayo, inhlanganiso le ithe inkantolo kumele imise limizamo kuze kwedlule uhlelo lokuvalwa kwelizwe okubangelwe ngumkhuhlane weCoronavirus.

IZimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights ithethe lelinyathelo imele omamangala ababili kulandela isimemezelo sekhomithi yedale lephalamende ebona ngezemithetho esokuthi izaqhuba imbuthano lozulu kusukela mhlaka 15 kulinyanga kusiyafika mhlaka 19 lapho ezabuza khona abantu ukuthi bathini ngemizamo kahulumende yokuguqula isisekelo sombuso welizwe phansi kweConstitutional Ammendment No 2.

Uzulu uthi ukubuthaniswa kwabantu lokhu kulakho ukubangela ukumemetheka kweCoronavirus.

Isiphathamandla senhlanganiso yeCitizens Covid-19 Monitor uMnu Effie Dlela Ncube utshele iStudio 7 ukuthi linyathelo elihle eselithethwe yiZimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights.

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