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UGrace Mugabe Ucela iHigh Court Ukuthi Ivimbe Ukugejwa Kwamathambo Omkakhe

Former first lady of Zimbabwe, Grace Mugabe, pays her last respects during a state funeral of her husband and the country's longtime ruler Robert Mugabe, at the national sports stadium in Harare, Sept. 14, 2019.
Former first lady of Zimbabwe, Grace Mugabe, pays her last respects during a state funeral of her husband and the country's longtime ruler Robert Mugabe, at the national sports stadium in Harare, Sept. 14, 2019.

UNkosikazi Grace Mugabe izolo ukhweze amaphepha emthethwandaba weHigh Court ephikisa isinqumo sokuthi amathambo omkakhe uMnu Robert Mugabe kumele agejwe ayengcwatshwa emathuneni amaqhawe eNational Heroes Acre eHarare.

UNkosikazi Mugabe uthethe inyathelo leli kulandela ukwehluleka kwabantwa bakhe ukuphikisa lesisinqumo emthethwandaba kamantshi, oyiwo owasethulayo.

UMugabe wala ukungcwatshwa eHeroes Acre wakhetha ukubekwa emzini wakhe koZvimba.

Kodwa induna yakulumango yakhweza isicelo emthethwandaba kamantshi isithi kumele agejwe ayengcwatshwa eHeroes Acre ngoba ukubekwa kwakhe emzini wakhe kwenziwa ngaphandle komthetho, okuyinto eyavunywa yinkantolo kamantshi.

Kodwa kusicelo sakhe eHigh Court, uGace Mugabe uthe lokho kumele kuvinjwe uMugabe ekelwe elele lapho angcwatshwe khona emzini wakhe.

Ukhonone njalo ngokuthi umndei wakhe uhlukumezekile kakhulu ngaloludaba.