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Owayeyintombi kaGeorge Floyd Uphe Ubufakazi Ekuthethweni Kwecala Lokubulawa Kwakhe

USA, Mineapolis, George Floyd's girlfriend Courteney Ross answers questions on the fourth day of the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin George Floyd's girlfriend Courteney Ross answers questions on the fourth day of the trial of form
USA, Mineapolis, George Floyd's girlfriend Courteney Ross answers questions on the fourth day of the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin George Floyd's girlfriend Courteney Ross answers questions on the fourth day of the trial of form

Owayeyintombi kaGeorge Floyd uNkosazana Courteney Ross labasebenza kwezempilakahle, ama-paramedics kanye lomunye owayelipholisa ngabanye babantu abaphe ubufakazi ngoLwesine ekuthethweni kwecala lokubulawa kukaFlody lipholisa elimhlophe uDerek Chauvin.

URoss utshele inkantolo ukuthi umuyi wayengumuntu olungileyo. Uthe bobabili babehlutshwa nje ngumkhuba wokusebenzisa izidakamizwa.

Owayelipholisa osanda kutshiya umsebenzi yena uthe umsolwa wayemele esuse idolo lakhe entanyeni kamuyi lapho engasamlwisi.

Omunye wama-paramedics ayiwo afika kuqala nge-ambulance utshele umthethwandaba ukuthi bathola uFloyd evele esefile. Sixoxe omunye wabalandela ukuthethwa kodaba lolu uMnu Garry Thwala Jackson.

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